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Why honesty is always the best policy

A very common question we get asked is whether it is ok to omit facts or tell a white lie during the visa interview process. The answer is no. Honesty is always the best policy. There are several reasons.

Falsifying information or lying in a visa interview can result in serious consequences impacting your eligibility to travel to the United States. When filling out your DS-160 or DS-260 for your visa application, visa applicants must electronically sign the form, which certifies that you have read and understood the questions in the application and that your answers are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief.

If it is discovered you have omitted information or lied on your application or during the visa interview, it may result in a visa ineligibility, including a finding of misrepresentation under INA 212(A)(6). Known to consular officers as a 6(c)(1) finding, such an ineligibility prevents applicants from entering the United States. Although a waiver may be available, depending on the visa class and applicant, you never want to have a 6(c)(1) on your record.

Even if a consular officer cannot make a formal 6(c)(1) finding, the mere suspicion of the consular officer that the visa applicant is lying can be grounds for refusal of the visa application. Not only is the current visa application refused, but there is a permanent record in the applicant’s file for the basis why. If and when that applicant reapplies for a visa, the vast majority of the time, the next consular officer will uphold the prior refusal. This is particularly true when deceit is involved.

Finally, there are dedicated fraud investigators and diplomatic security personnel dedicated to finding cases of applicant fraud. Such an investigation can and often does end in criminal prosecution. In these cases, visa applicant denial is the least of an applicant’s worries.

An applicant may be tempted to think he or she is an excellent communicator and will not get caught by the consular officer. Do not be tempted into such thinking. Consular officers are trained professionals, often armed with the experience of having conducted tens of thousands of interviews. Some visa officers call themselves human lie detectors. Please do not be tempted to test their abilities.

If you’d like to prepare for your visa interview with one of our former consular officers, we would be excited to help! Please reach out to U.S. Visa Pros here.

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